XMR – Monero Mining With CPU in Ubuntu or Linux

XMR – Monero Mining With CPU in Ubuntu or Linux
XMR – Monero Mining With CPU in Ubuntu or Linux
XMR – Monero Mining With CPU in Ubuntu or Linux
XMR – Monero Mining With CPU in Ubuntu or Linux
XMR – Monero Mining With CPU in Ubuntu or Linux
Join Techaorha Pool For Monero Mining , India's First Mining PoolJoin Techaorha Pool For Monero Mining , India's First Mining Pool                               Monero Mining in Ubuntu      Monero Mining in Ubuntu using Techaorha Pool

Monero is the most highly growing Crypto Currency and as of today, Monero Mining is most profitable.

Mining crypto currency is a new way to invest your computer power to earn more extra bucks especially for IT professional, or any one who has good knowledge of computer.

Are you late in Monero Mining?

Those are new to the concept of crypto currency and have missed the gold rushed of Bitcoin and Ether should start immediately without even minutes of delays.With every delay, the difficulty is increased and the award is reducing.But the good thing is the value of the crypto currency is increasing daily exponentially.

Why should you mine monero?

In the early days of Bitcoin in  2010, it was easy to mine Bitcoin but it was very costly since the value of Bitcoin was in few dollars. But in the span of few years the value rosed to $4500+, many became millionaires because of early action. It’s your turn start mining Monero or Ether or Zcash.

Let’s Get Started

  1. Create  a Wallet
  2. Creating a monero wallet is mandatory before you start mining.
  3. The wallet can be created in many ways, for new user simplest way is to login into https://mymonero.com/  and click on create my wallet.
  4. You will be given a private login key, store that somewhere very very securely or write it down in your diary.
  5. Once you confirm you will get a wallet address,  something like this49nQhiueP1JgejXxua75QngNprtWMHmhQWxfxwDUAZohWTZuCvFjpuA4xsTB32De8UXjR8j9aM6kEFZuUp6C4Ak42E1fi45

How to Start Monero Mining in Ubuntu or Any other Linux Machine.

Remember if you have the graphic cards on your system/server/vps/desktop/laptop, please click over here. Mining Monero with GPU – Graphics Card.

  1. Open the Terminal of Ubuntu
  2. Install the necessary packages with the following command
  3. sudo apt-get install git libcurl4-openssl-dev build-essential libjansson-dev autotools-dev automake
  4. Download CPU miner from git repository
  5. git clone https://github.com/hyc/cpuminer-multi
  6. Change to the new directory
  7. cd cpuminer-multi
  8. Do the initial Configuration with below code
  9. ./autogen.sh CFLAGS=”-march=native” ./configure make
  10. Install the CPU miner
  11. sudo make install
  12. Execute the Command to start mining (Don’t forget to replace with your wallet address after -u parameter)
  13. sudo ./minerd -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://xmrpool.techaroha.com:3333 -u 49nQhiueP1JgejXxua75QngNprtWMHmhQWxfxwDUAZohWTZuCvFjpuA4xsTB32De8UXjR8j9aM6kEFZuUp6C4Ak42E1fi45 -p themissingfloor_myproject_55 > output.log 2>&1 &

#here try to understand the command

# base command is sudo ./minerd -a cryptonight -o [Pool Address] -u [your wallet address] -p [worker identifier or your email] > output.log 2>&1 &

# Remeber we have added this ” > output.log 2>&1 &” to make miner runner in backgroup and you don’t have to keep it watching

  1. To Start Monero Mining Click Here .

    Any queries, please contact us over here.

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