Plantation Monitoring System is required because it’s a very long term process , the scale of Plantation is very high and lot of money is involve over there.
Just like any other business when scale is high and investment is high, Plantation also requires a Plantation Management/Monitoring System to manage it Effectively.
Different aspect of Plantation Management System(PMS) includes Planting the Seeds , Planting the Trees , Planning the Plantation.Maintain the Budget and Cost .
Categorizing the Geographical Area based on Classification like Circle and Division , Regular Inspection of Plantation with the help of Photos or maybe drones is the other requirement of
Plantation Management. Monitoring plantation with GIS and software like Google Earth with the help of KML Files or GIS Software Bhuvan From ISRO Helsps to monitor planation easily without involving transportation cost. This could be a huge saving since planation area are genrally in remote places.